Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Concept: Self Sufficient

First of all, I am not comfortable with any concepts or assignments that include the word "self". That being said, Ms. Torres gave us our new concept words today, and they are "Self Sufficient". Thank you Ms. Torres!( <<<< Insert sarcastic tone here).

It is my first order of business when given the concept words, to research the words together and each word individually, then I go from there. This is usually a scratch piece of paper that ends up in the garbage. However, this time, in an effort to fully grasp the meaning of the words "self-sufficient", "Self", and "Sufficient", I've decided to make a record of my notes here.........


Independent, Exclusive

Not relying on others to do things for you.

Able to supply one's own or its own needs without external help.

Having extreme confidence in one's own resources, powers, etc.


Being, character, ego, identity, individual, narcissism, oneself, own, person, personality, psyche.

A person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality.

A person's nature, personal interest.

The ego: That which knows, remembers, desires, and suffers.


Adequate for the purpose;

Competent; Capable

Acceptable, agreeable, comfortable,decent, pleasing, plentiful, satisfactory, tolerable.

On that note, I'm gonna go do what I do, over think these words, and hopefully be inspired to create something that is SUFFICIENT. <<<<<< HA!